Relish Yoga

Come, return to the root of the root of your own soul ~ Rumi

Want to know more about
Relish Yoga or
Trauma-sensitive Mindfulness Life Coaching?

Yoga & Mindfulness

are perfect addendum therapeutic interventions to build...


Emotional & Mental Strength

Curiosity & Compassion

At Relish Yoga, we practice creating a relaxed moment-by-moment exploration of body, breath, emotions, sensations, movement, and energy.

Our goal is to be present in everything within us with everything around us. And in each shape or form (asana) we make with our bodies, we explore 'SthiraSukhasana', 'Sthira' means stillness & alertness, and 'Sukha' means ease and comfort. It is important to remember that Yoga is incomplete without ease & comfort.   

These practices are geared to help you increase your capacity to access a state of calm and by focusing on:
Finetuning your attention
Body awareness
Emotional Resiliency

Yung Pueblo so beautifully writes, "If you are far away from yourself, how could you ever be close to another?"

So are you ready to make friends with you - all of you?